Conceptual Challenges in AI: from ML to Average-Case Computation and Cryptography
To be held in Milan from 20th May 2024 to 24th May 2024
Welcome! The purpose of this workshop is to exchange ideas between AI, cryptography, average-case complexity, and statistical physics. We aim to bring together experts in these areas in order to share recent research and develop new connections between these important fields. We have scheduled a diverse set of talks ranging from learning dynamics of neural networks, to evidence of hardness for random optimization problems, to cryptographic applications of hard computational tasks. Check out the schedule below.
All talks with be streamed and can be accessed using Zoom on the link below:
Please note that the stream will be recorded.All times are CEST (Central European Summer Time). Program subject to change.
Click on ▶ Abstract to see the abstract for the corresponding talk (if available).
To see all days of the workshop, you may have to scroll left-to-right ↔.
Monday 20th May | Tuesday 21th May | Wednesday 22th May | Thursday 23th May | Friday 24th May | |
9:30 - 11:00 |
ENS Paris Title: Dynamical Regimes of Diffusion Models arXiv ▶ Abstract |
Bocconi University Title: Permutation Superposition Oracles for Quantum Query Lower Bounds ▶ Abstract |
Google Research Title: Sensitivity Sampling for Coreset-Based Data Selection ▶ Abstract |
Radboud University Title: Theoretical and Practical Hardness of Some Equivalence Problems ▶ Abstract |
Aarhus University Title: Cryptography from Planted Graphs: Security with Logarithmic-Size Messages eprint ▶ Abstract |
National Institute of Informatics Title: One-Way Functions and Zero Knowledge eccc ▶ Abstract |
Boston University Title: Towards General-Purpose Program Obfuscation via Local Mixing eprint ▶ Abstract |
Harvard University Title: A Dynamical Model of Neural Scaling Laws arXiv ▶ Abstract |
Osaka University Title: Quantum Machine Learning: Interplay between Implicit and Explicit Quantum Models ▶ Abstract |
LPT-ENS Title: Matrix Denoising via Low-Degree Polynomials arXiv ▶ Abstract |
IIT Delhi Title: Fine-Grained Hardness of Lattice Problems ▶ Abstract |
Columbia University Title: Pseudorandom Error-Correcting Codes eprint ▶ Abstract |
11:00 - 11:30 | ☕ Coffee break | ||||
11:30 - 13:00 |
EPFL Title: Learning and Generating Compositional Data ▶ Abstract |
EPFL Title: Neural Simulation of Quantum Many-Body Physics ▶ Abstract |
INRIA and ENS Title: Chaining Graph Neural Networks for Combinatorial Optimization: Learning Graph Matching ▶ Abstract |
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Title: Low-Complexity Cryptography ▶ Abstract |
University of Ottawa Title: Hardness Versus Randomness for Statistical Inference ▶ Abstract |
Princeton University Title: Clustering of Large Independent Sets in Expanders and Algorithmic Applications ▶ Abstract |
ISTA Title: Longest-Chain Blockchains from Work, Space and Speed: An Exact Classification ▶ Abstract |
EPFL Title: How Do Two-Layer Neural Nets Learn Multi-Index Functions? ▶ Abstract |
Ruhr University Bochum Title: (Hidden) Symmetries of Computational Problems arXiv ▶ Abstract |
Tel Aviv University, Weizmann University Title: Quantum Algorithms in a Superposition of Spacetimes eccc ▶ Abstract |
Yale University Title: Counting Stars is Constant-Degree Optimal For Detecting Any Planted Subgraph arXiv ▶ Abstract |
13:00 - 14:30 | 🍝 Lunch | ||||
14:30 - 16:00 |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Title: Some Advancements in GP Theory with Applications to Language Models ▶ Abstract |
ENS Paris Title: Approximation and Generalisation by Score Diffusion and Renormalisation Group ▶ Abstract |
Tokyo Institute of Technology Title: Hardness Amplification for Planted Clique Problem eccc ▶ Abstract |
Yale University Title: Low Coordinate Degree Algorithms: A Flexible Framework for Computational Thresholds arXiv ▶ Abstract |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Title: Theoretical Foundations of Real-World Cryptography ▶ Abstract |
ETH Zürich Title: Spike Models, Free Probability, and the Kikuchi method for Tensor PCA ▶ Abstract |
UC Berkeley Title: Revisiting Neural Network Approximation Theory in the Age of Generative AI ▶ Abstract |
EPFL Title: Are Modern Hopfield Networks Good Memory Models? ▶ Abstract |
Sapienza Università di Roma Title: Dynamical Phase Transitions, Algorithmic Thresholds, and Possible One-Way Functions ▶ Abstract |
National University of Singapore Title: Average-Case Complexity of Problems from Fine-Grained Complexity ▶ Abstract |
16:00 - 16:30 | ☕ Coffee break | ||||
16:30 - 18:00 |
Harvard University Title: Nonlinear Random Matrices in Machine Learning: Random Features, Kernels, and Self-Attentions ▶ Abstract |
Jülich Research Centre, RWTH Aachen Title: Critical Feature Learning in Deep Neural Networks ▶ Abstract |
Bocconi University Title: Diagram Analysis of Iterative Algorithms arXiv ▶ Abstract |
🍲 Collaboration Time | |
Columbia University Title: Statistical-Computational Tradeoffs in Random Optimization Problems ▶ Abstract |
Bocconi University Title: Discussion on the New Journal of Artificial Intelligence Theory ▶ Abstract |
NYU, Flatiron Institute Title: Computing with Neural Manifolds: Towards a Multi-Scale Understanding of Biological and Artificial Neural Networks ▶ Abstract |
18:00 - 20:00 | 🍲 Discussion and Aperitivo | ||||
20:00 - 22:00 | 🍲 Dinner for invited speakers |
The workshop is located in the Roentgen building at Bocconi University located at:
Via Guglielmo Röntgen 1, 20136 Milano, MI.
Tram line 9 and busses 59, 71, and 79 stop on the street right to it.
The workshop will take place in Aula AS01 which can be found down the large stairs right next to the GūD coffee shop.
Registration for the workshop is free but mandatory. Please use the link below.
Click here to register for the workshop.
Recommended hotels:
- Hotel d'Este (special price available)
- UNAHOTELS Mediterraneo Milano
- Uptown Palace
- Grand Visconti Palace
The workshop is being co-organized under the Physics and ML research pillar of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) and the CIFRA Institute. The workshop organizers are Nicolas Brunel, Vedran Dunjko, Chris Jones, Bert Kappen, Carlo Lucibello, Enrico Malatesta, Marc Mézard, Tamer Mour, Gabriele Perugini, Alon Rosen, Luca Saglietti, Nikolaj I. Schwartzbach, Sofia Vallecorsa, Roberta Zambrini, Riccardo Zecchina.